Batch geocoding had become bread and butter for today's competitive world of
ideas. Taken for granted, the process is actually very complex and sometimes
theoretically a non polynomial task to complete. At CSV2GEO we have tried to
simplified that process for the end user and make it smooth and straightforward.
Below are some of the important features we have incorporated in our system. If
you are looking for a feature that is not present, please request one at
Because CSV2GEO is meant to be a very reliable tool for people all over the world dealing with GIS and geocoding, we are using WGS84 standard. So, if you have your data into a different format and you want to use it on the CSV2GEO website, you may convert the projection into WGS84 using the special tools available in GIS software. On the other hand, after you will get the data from CSV2GEO, you may open this data into any GIS software and change the projection into that one that you need for your analysis.
LEARN MORE ABOUT TYPE OF GEOCODINGThe good news is that using the CSV2GEO tool minor misspelling errors are not a big problem in obtaining the correct coordinates for the locations that you want. Consequently, even if you may introduce a name for an address with a small spelling error (it could happen to anyone), the CSV2GEO tool is ready to help and to assist any user to obtain the correct location coordinates. This feature of correction address misspelling is a great advantage in obtaining the correct coordinates. Moreover, CSV2GEO tool can provide the correct coordinates for a certain location even if the user doesn’t provide the name for the state or the country.
LEARN MORE ABOUT ADDRESS SPELLING CORRECTIONThe file format that CSV2GEO tool accepts is a CSV or Excel file. The CSV file format also must be UTF-8 or the outcome of the geocoding will not be accurate. A CSV file is the abbreviation from comma-separated values and it name mentions, the values in this kind of file are separated using a comma. Tabular data are stored in a CSV file as plain text, both numbers and text. Inside a CSV file each line having text or numbers is considered as a record and each record has many fields, these fields being separated by commas. It should be highlighted that besides commas, there are many other delimiters those separate values in a CSV file. Delimiters can include also semicolons, tabs, spaces, etc. The good news is that any type of CSV files is supported by the CSV2GEO tool. Consequently, users should not worry about the type of delimiter that is used in their CSV files while using them in the geocoding applications.
LEARN MORE ABOUT BATCH FILE AND DATAThe good news is that at CSV2GEO address parsing is an automatic process and the user should not worry about those situations when the comma is missing from the address in order to separate the tokens forming an address. The CSV2GEO tool is ready to provide the correct coordinates even from the address where is missing one comma or if the entire address is a long list of names and numbers without any comma separating them.
LEARN MORE ABOUT ADDRESS PARSINGAn address is composed by several elements, such street number, street name, city name, state name, zip code, country. These address components are extremely important in batch geocoding and reverse geocoding processes. All these address elements can be considered as address tokens and very often such an address token can be parsed in more columns in the output file after running the batch geocoding process. The previously mentioned elements for an address are considered as primary address unit designators. But there are also several elements that are considered as secondary address unit designators.
LEARN MORE ABOUT ADDRESS TOKEN COMPOSITIONBesides the address parsing feature that is available at CSV2GEO during geocoding process, another valuable feature can improve the geocoding process, namely the Normalized Address Tokenazation feature. This feature implemented in the CSV2GEO tool helps users to obtain the address in the outcome files into specific sections for each address token, but also combined into one line for the entire address. Moreover, it should be emphasized that if a header is present for each column of the outcome file, then address components are parsed into the correct sections.
LEARN MORE ABOUT NORMALIZED ADDRESS TOKENAZATIONMoreover, CSV2GEO tool does not alter the input file. By using this geocoding tool, the user will have more columns added to those columns that are already in the input file. Instead of deleting or altering columns in the input file, after geocoding and reverse geocoding processes CSV2GEO tool add other columns to the right of the last column that was at the beginning of those two processes, preserving all the data available in the pre-existing columns in the input file. Consequently, after geocoding and reverse geocoding processes, the user can continue with mapping steps using the output file. The output file will contain now both input columns and new geocoded/reverse geocoded columns.