Museums of Western Australia: Central-Southern Regions of Wheatbelt, SW Australia, Great Southern and Goldfields-Esperance
Interactive Map of Western Austraila: Central-Southern Region Museums
Welcome to the third and last article in this series on Museums in the State of Western Australia. We invite you once again to enjoy and refer to the first and second articles via these links.
Western Australia Museums of North and Costal Area
Western Australia Museums of Perth and Surrounding Area
This article will pick up and continue to expose locations and collection details for museums in the remaining regions of Wheatbelt, Goldfields-Esperance, Great Southern and Southwest Australia. These are areas that lie in the central and southwest of the State of Western Australia and include remote outback areas many from outside Australia probably imagine when they think of Australia. There are no major metropolitan areas, vast areas of dry, open land bounded only by some scantly inhabited towns and villages dotting along the beautiful south and southwestern coastline. If you are looking for museums like those of great modern cities of Europe, Asia, and America, you may be in for a surprise. Australia is a much less populated place with much less recorded history. Don't be mistaken, there is pleanty of history in Australia, it's just that until the 1800's, no one had really recorded much of it. There were indigenous people living here for tens of thousands of years, completely isolated from the rest of the world by ocean and distance. But these indigenous people were content to live life as it was given to them, looking forward, not backward and although they had written language and drawings, they just didn't preoccupy themselves with recording a lot that went on. There were no libraries or museums or temples or any of the historical archives known in Europe and Asia. So, the museums of Australia are challenged with discovery from what we can interpret from evidence left to discover. You are invited to come and help in that discovery and there is so much mystery still left to solve.
You won't find the grand mueums of great civilizations from the past or the long-past glories of empires long ago here in Australia. However, if your quest is to find warm and friendly faces willing to welcome you as you explore and discover perhaps the most foreboding areas people inhabit on Earth and find out how that came to be, tighten your straps, pull up your goggles and get ready for a journey covering thousands of kilometers as we discover the South-Central regions of Western Australia and parts of the vast Australian outback.
If you recall from the first article the large, sparsely populated State of Western Australia is broken up into regions.
The State of Western Australia isn't very crouded, but yuo will find many very pretty small towns and villages, perfect for accomodatinig you as you explore.
As we discovered in the earlier articles, the Northern Coastal and Greater Metropolitan Perth areas are distanced from much of the rest of Australia’s cosmopolitan regions by large landmasses and long distances. If you recall, we told you Perth was roughly equivalent to a city the size of San Diego, California with no significant large urban area between it and its closest urban neighbor, Adelaide, which is roughly 2,700 kilometers away (~ 1,600 miles). That’s a distance roughly equal to San Diego to Houston, Texas. So, Imagine San Diego, all by itself on the west coast of California, no other major city in California, no Portland, Las Vegas, Phoenix, Denver, Salt Lake City, Dallas-Ft. Worth, Austin, San Antonio. Just a lot of wide-open, sun-soaked land with small towns and outposts dotting the southern coastline. In European terms, the distance from Perth, Western Australia to Adelaide, South Australia is about the same as between Perth, Scotland, UK to Rome, Italy.
So, what lies in these open spaces between Perth and Adelaide? Some farm lands, such as in the Wheetbelt Region, but mostly overwhelming majesty of raw nature and a few rugged hosts, openly welcoming you to come see and share their world. Wide open, deep blue sky, an almost constantly shining sun bleaching out the yellow-red soil and rocks in the southwestern quarter of Australia (especially in the interior). Inhabitants of Perth see over 3,200 hours of sunshine on average per year, making it Australia’s most sun-soaked capital city. Adelaide’s citizens experience a bit cooler, wetter, and windier climate. While snow is almost unheard of, in the winter the rain is cold and often comes with hail (winter in Australia is June-July-August, the reverse of northern hemisphere seasons). Recommendations of many travelers is if you make this journey, you will want to give yourself a couple weeks to travel and enjoy the natural beauty and stop along the way and explore the many natural wonders and take in some of these interesting museums. Experts suggest traveling in spring or autumn when the weather is moderate (spring is September-October-November and autumn is March-April-May).
#1, Name: Albany Convict Gaol Museum, Latitude: -35.02773, Longitude: 117.88003
Museum type: Prison
Web Site:
Street Number: 267
Street Name: Stirling Terrace
City: Albany, Latitude: -35.02395, Longitude: 117.88355
Region: Wheatbelt
State: WA
Postal Code: 6603
Country: Australia
Membership/Entry: Adult: $5.00 Child/Concession: $2.50 Family: $12.00 Under 6: Free
Detail Info: The Albany Convict Gaol was established in 1852 for imperial convicts that were transported to Albany as skilled labourers. Originally consisting of a cell block for convicts with quarters for the warden, the gaol was extended in 1873 to become a public prison, with Aboriginal prisoners being moved to the prison as a result of increasing numbers of escapes from the Lawley Park town prison. The gaol was originally established with rehabilitation as a key principle, and convicts sentenced to transportation from England between 1850-1868 often served time in the gaol. Convicts who had obtained their ticket to leave were hired by free settlers for labour, and work conducted by the convicts included the town jetty, manning the pilot boat and building the road to Perth.
Virtual Access:[0]=field_organisations%3AAlbany%20Historical%20Society%20Inc&fbclid=IwAR0uayE3IoMzyyg6np4pzCEsJsjkyjqvuyCQ7cEMOjolPn7OW6HFnWrFxwc
#2, Name: Albany Co-operative Store, Latitude: -35.02603, Longitude: 117.88713
Museum type: Local history
Web Site: n/a
Street Number: 44
Street Name: Frederick St
City: Albany, Latitude: -35.02395, Longitude: 117.88355
Region: Great Southern
State: WA
Postal Code: 6330
Country: Australia
Membership/Entry: Single membership $15.00, Couple membership $20.00, Family membership, $30.00 Corporate membership, $50.00
Detail Info: The AHS are custodians of a large diverse collection of historic artefacts, books, documents and works of art, all catalogued, restored and put on display by volunteers. More than half of the five thousand objects and artefacts in the society's care are exhibited at one of the historic buildings or outdoor sites managed by the AHS, everyday items from pioneering farms, maritime trading enterprises, early homes and work places. As well as being permanently on view the society has adopted a display style which makes these objects more accessible as often they can connect the viewer with their every day use in the past in ways not possible in more traditional museum spaces.
Virtual Access:[0]=field_organisations%3AAlbany%20Historical%20Society%20Inc&fbclid=IwAR0uayE3IoMzyyg6np4pzCEsJsjkyjqvuyCQ7cEMOjolPn7OW6HFnWrFxwc
#3, Name: The Brig Amity, Latitude: -35.02844, Longitude: 117.8812
Museum type: Maritime
Web Site:
Street Number: n/a
Street Name: Residency Rd
City: Albany, Latitude: -35.02395, Longitude: 117.88355,
Region: Great Southern
State: WA
Postal Code: 6330
Country: Australia
Membership/Entry: Bookings are recommended for groups of 10 or more.Adults $5Child $2Concession* $4Family^ $12Tour Groups P.O.A* Concession applies to card holders.^ Two adults and two children
Detail Info: Walk up the gangplank and step back in time aboard Brig Amity to find out what life was like aboard a convict ship in 1826. As you explore the ship, listen to the story of Amity''s perilous 6 week journey from Sydney to King George Sound to establish the first European settlement on the west coast of Australia. Discover the sights and sounds below deck that were encountered by those aboard as they headed for unknown lands, sharing space with the ship's crew, 23 convicts, 21 soldiers and enough domestic animals, food crops and building materials to start the small, remote outpost. The informative and helpful volunteer guides will assist you to navigate your visit and will be happy to answer any questions you may have. They can also tell you other interesting things to do and see at Museum of the Great Southern, as well as in Albany. The Amity is part of the Museum of the Great Southern site.
Virtual Access: n/a
#4, Name: ArtGeo, Latitude: -33.6472, Longitude: 115.3433
Museum type: ArT
Web Site:
Street Number: 4
Street Name: Queen Street
City: Busselton, Latitude: -33.65211, Longitude: 115.345
Region: South West
State: WA
Postal Code: 6280
Country: Australia
Membership/Entry: Some areas are free for entry
Detail Info: ArtGeo Gallery hosts a dynamic program of temporary and collection based exhibitions sourced regionally, nationally and occasionally internationally. Situated in the heart of Busselton's cultural precinct, it is known as a place where an art and heritage meet'. The Gallery, which is owned and managed by the City of Busselton, is housed in an elegant neo-classical brick and tile pavilion, built for the Agricultural Bank of Western Australia in 1931. It opened in September 2008 with the launch of Signatures South West, now known as the City of Busselton Art Award.
Virtual Access:
#5, Name: Augusta Historical Museum, Latitude: -34.31396, Longitude: 115.15907
Museum type: Local history
Web Site: n/a
Street Number: 101
Street Name: Blackwood Ave
City: Augusta, Latitude: -34.31489, Longitude: 115.15924
Region: South West
State: WA
Postal Code: 6290
Country: Australia
Membership/Entry: Schools and groups welcome by appointment on 9758 0465.
Detail Info: Established in 1979, the Augusta Historical Museum offers visitors a comprehensive display documenting the rich history of Augusta and Districts since European settlement in 1830. Displays include details of families involved in the 1830s, artefacts from local shipwrecks, from the MC Davies timber empire (1880s to 1915), the local environment, personal effects of early settlers, details of the 1920s group settlements, commemorative china, coins and medals, garments from various eras, church organs and the whale rescue event whichmade headline news around the world.
Virtual Access: n/a
#6, Name: Australia Inland Mission Hospital Museum, Latitude: -33.10079, Longitude: 118.45646
Museum type: Medical
Web Site:
Street Number: n/a
Street Name: Stubbs Street
City: Lake Grace, Latitude: -33.10081, Longitude: 118.46578
Region: Wheatbelt
State: WA
Postal Code: 6353
Country: Australia
Membership/Entry: n/a
Detail Info: Visit one of three remaining Australian Inland Mission hospitals - and the only one in WA! Walk through the old-style wards, duty room, kitchen and laundry to experience the atmosphere of an early 20th century rural hospital.
Virtual Access: n/a
#7, Name: Avondale Discovery Farm, Latitude: -32.12273, Longitude: 116.85274
Museum type: Farm
Web Site:
Street Number: n/a
Street Name: Waterhatch Rd
City: Beverley, Latitude: -32.08466, Longitude: 116.88187
Region: Wheatbelt
State: WA
Postal Code: 6304
Country: Australia
Membership/Entry: General Entry as Free Agricultural Museum as Entry by donation
Detail Info: Short Stay Accommodation Unwind and reconnect with nature with a stay in one of our three short-stay cottages. Bring family and friends and experience the Avon Valley's rolling agricultural landscape while enjoying a weekend disconnected from city life. Explore the local district during the day and come back to the peace and big open night skies at night.
Virtual Access: n/a
#8, Name: Bellview Shell Collection, Latitude: -34.01009, Longitude: 115.09965
Museum type: Natural history
Web Site
Street Number: 10291
Street Name: Bussell Hwy
City: Witchcliffe, Latitude: -34.02526, Longitude: 115.1
Region: South West
State: WA
Postal Code: 6286
Country: Australia
Membership/Entry: Open every day during school holidays and on public holidays. Outside of those hours, Bellview Shell Collection is only open Saturdays and Sundays. Please call to confirm opening times during winter. Adults:$8, Kids:$4
Detail Info: Australia''s largest private collection of shells and coral, if not one of the largest collections in the world. Over 200 square metres of colourful and unique display area, with shells and corals collected from all around the world. Over 30,000 rare and beautiful specimens are on display, and shells and shell jewellery are available for sale. Shells, corals and jewellery consigned anywhere in the world. Special showings by appointment for group boo
Virtual Access: n/a
#9, Name: Berkshire Valley Folk Museum, Latitude: -30.63833, Longitude: 116.01279
Museum type: Open air
Web Site:
Street Number: n/a
Street Name: Berkshire Valley Other
City: Moora, Latitude: -30.64125, Longitude: 116.0066
Region: Wheatbelt
State: WA
Postal Code: 6510
Country: Australia
Membership/Entry: Hours: By arrangement Admission: Adults $2, children of school age 50c Tel: +61 08 96549040
Detail Info: This museum is situated in an old mill house built circa 1860 and is still owned by a farmer whose ancestor purchased the property in 1911. It is very low key but contains an excellent collection of farming, domestic, sporting, educational and photographic articles.
Virtual Access: n/a
#10, Name: Beverley Aeronautical Museum, Latitude: -32.10953, Longitude: 116.92478
Museum type: Aerospace
Web Site:
Street Number: 141
Street Name: Vincent Street
City: Beverley, Latitude: -32.08466, Longitude: 116.88187
Region: Wheatbelt
State: WA
Postal Code: 6304
Country: Australia
Membership/Entry: Avondale is open to the public, free of charge, every third weekend of the month and for special events as advertised. Avondalea is also open by appointment -a tour buses welcome, a morning tea oralight lunches can be catereda- please phone ahead. Phone 9646 1107 or 0427477 734afor more information.
Detail Info: The 1850''s homestead is furnished in turn-of-the-century style and will carry you back to pioneer times, all set in extensive gardens. The 1890''s stables house the Clydesdale horses. The Animal Nursery is a place where the young, and young at heart, can see and touch a variety of animals. Avondale boasts one of the largest agricultural machinery museums in Western Australia, with many tractors in working order, a testimony to the advances of the past one hundred years. A picnic area and FREE gas BBQ''s are provided.
Virtual Access: n/a
#11, Name: Boyup Brook Pioneers Museum, Latitude: -33.90736, Longitude: 116.3754
Museum type: Local history
Web Site:
Street Number: n/a
Street Name: Jayes Road
City: Boyup Brook, Latitude: -33.83556, Longitude: 116.38834
Region: South West
State: WA
Postal Code: 6244
Country: Australia
Membership/Entry: Opening Times: Wed & Thus 10am as 3pm Fri 10am as 5pm Phone: 9767 1220 (Doris)
Detail Info: Boyup Brook is the home of Dwalganup Cloverseed, developed by the late PD Forrest, circa, 1910. This story is told with several and varied pieces of harvesting equipment and is extremely interesting, even to those not particularly interested in agriculture. Agricultural exhibits in The Shed include some unique pieces particularly relevant to the district, including a "Prairie Schooner" built in the 1800s, and quite different from the usual farming equipment. Other buildings located on site include the old mortuary built with the Soldiers Memorial Hospital in 1924 and containing an interesting collection of hospital and St. John artefacts. A restored railway siding from Dinninup houses railway memorabilia from a time when the district had an excellent rail transport service. The old Kulkup School, a one-room school built in the early 1920s, evokes memories of education in rural areas.
Virtual Access: n/a
#12, Name: Bridgedale, Latitude: -33.95889, Longitude: 116.13695
Museum type: Historic house
Web Site:
Street Number: n/a
Street Name: Hampton Street
City: Bridgetown, Latitude: -33.95578, Longitude: 116.13675
Region: South West
State: WA
Postal Code: 6255
Country: Australia
Membership/Entry: 08 92722630
Detail Info: Bridgedale is a fine example of how 19th century farming properties were established and how they grew. It is also a good example of how properties have been affected by 20th century town developments. When the Bridgetown town site was proclaimed in 1868, Bridgedale was incorporated into the town survey. As the town developed and expanded Bridgedale became a town residence rather than a homestead. Its farming origins, however, remain apparent.
Virtual Access: n/a
#13, Name: Bridgetown Old Gaol, Latitude: -33.95735, Longitude: 116.13773
Museum type: Prison
Web Site:
Street Number: 148
Street Name: Hampton Street
City: Bridgetown, Latitude: -33.95578, Longitude: 116.13675
Region: South West
State: WA
Postal Code: 6255
Country: Australia
Membership/Entry: n/a
Detail Info: Bridgetown's Old Gaol and Police Quarters provide an opportunity to see how prisoners were incarcerated in the late 1800s. Walk through the cells, storeroom, kitchen, exercise yard and police living rooms to gain an insight into prison life over the 90 years they remained in operation. Whilst the buildings are only open on Saturday between 10am and 2pm, you are welcome to walk around the outside grounds at other times. Alternatively contact the Bridgetown Visitors Centre prior to your arrival to arrange for a volunteer guide to show you through. Whilst in Bridgetown, walk along the banks of the Blackwood River to the River Park and visit the site of the original police station. Bridgetown is a three hour drive south of Perth.
Virtual Access: n/a
#14, Name: Bruce Rock Museum, Latitude: -31.87902, Longitude: 118.14841
Museum type: Local history
Web Site:
Street Number: 54
Street Name: Johnson Street
City: Bruce Rock, Latitude: -31.88053, Longitude: 118.14388
Region: Wheatbelt
State: WA
Postal Code: 6418
Country: Australia
Membership/Entry: Admission: FREE (08) 9061 1377
Detail Info: The Bruce Rock Museum is located on Johnson Street, and contains a comprehensive collection of memorabilia. To the rear of the museum you will find an original one-room school house and a replica mud brick settler's cottage from pioneering farm days. Situated across the road is the Machinery and Motor Museum, which houses working farm machinery, a vintage car and a steam traction engine as all from local historical times. Come in and have a chat with our friendly volunteers in the Museum, and learn about the history of our town.
Virtual Access: n/a
#15, Name: Busselton Jetty Interpretive Centre, Latitude: -33.65211, Longitude: 115.345
Museum type: Maritime
Web Site:
Street Number: n/a
Street Name: Busselton beachfront
City: Busselton, Latitude: -33.65211, Longitude: 115.345
Region: South West
State: WA
Postal Code: 6280
Country: Australia
Membership/Entry: 08 9754 0900 17+ years - $4.00 0-16 years as FREE
Detail Info: The striking boat-shed style centre, built 50 metres offshore, was opened in April 2001. The centre warmly welcomes visitors and provides a relaxed and friendly environment. Browse the unique and stylish giftware and homeware on display as well as a vast array of souvenirs and mementos. There is also a selection of giftware created by local artisans and stunning furniture and home décor pieces crafted from recycled timber salvaged from the Jetty. Browse the Cultural Heritage Museum located within the Interpretive Centre. Entry is free and gives you a taste of the jetty's rich history and exciting future.
Virtual Access:
#16, Name: Bunbury Museum and Heritage Centre, Latitude: -33.32641, Longitude: 115.63947
Museum type: Local history
Web Site:
Street Number: 1
Street Name: Arthur Street
City: Bunbury, Latitude: -33.32167, Longitude: 115.63691
Region: South West
State: WA
Postal Code: 6230
Country: Australia
Membership/Entry: The City of Bunbury has set the following rates: Commercial/wedding photography - $750 per day The Classroom (commercial rate) - $300 per day, $40 per hour The Classroom (not for profit hire) - $150 per day, $20 per hour Please note the following maximum numbers permitted within the museum: Museum Main Gallery - 71 people The Classroom - 50 people Outdoor Courtyard - 125 people
Detail Info: A new museum in the 21st century is a rare opportunity to bring together the best of contemporary practices, focusing on the city's people whether as characters from the past or today's visitors, and displaying their stories in exciting new ways. In the Bunbury Museum and Heritage Centre, the City of Bunbury has brought together state of the art exhibition and collection care standards in one of the city's best-loved buildings, the 1886 Bunbury Boys School.
Virtual Access: n/a
#17, Name: Busselton Museum, Latitude: -33.65249, Longitude: 115.35017
Museum type: Local history
Web Site:
Street Number: 76
Street Name: Peel Terrace
City: Busselton, Latitude: -33.65211, Longitude: 115.345
Region: South West
State: WA
Postal Code: 6280
Country: Australia
Membership/Entry: Phone: +61 8 9754 2166 Enquiries: Research Enquiries: Opening Times: 10am as 4pm, Wednesday as Monday (closed Tuesdays). There are many artifacts to view, so please arrive with at least 1 hour before closing time.
Detail Info: The Heritage Butter Factory and Busselton Museum has ten display rooms packed with photographs, equipment and memorabilia which trace the family, social, civic, commercial and maritime history of Busselton. The one-hectare site is nestled on the banks of the picturesque Vasse River. Everything from agriculture to whaling, from crockery, clocks and cameras to sewing machines, travel and transport is included. A replica of the Jetty Rotunda enhances the vista and the exhibits demonstrate Busselton's diverse agricultural, forestry and maritime history. Special attention is focused on the famous 1920's Group Settlement Scheme which shaped much of the development of the South West. Visit us, and discover a time now past.
Virtual Access: n/a
#18, Name: Cape Leeuwin Lighthouse, Latitude: -34.3366, Longitude: 115.1659
Museum type: Maritime
Web Site:
Street Number: n/a
Street Name: Leeuwin Rd
City: Augusta, Latitude: -34.31489, Longitude: 115.15924
Region: South West
State: WA
Postal Code: 6290
Country: Australia
Membership/Entry: Opening Hours 8.45am to 5pm daily (last precinct entry at 4.30pm). Guided lighthouse tours every half hour from 9am to 4.30pm. Closed Christmas Day. Tour Prices Adult: $20.00 Child (4-16yrs): $10.00 Seniors: $18.00 Children under 4 are not permitted to climb the lighthouse. Children under 17 must be accompanied by an adult.
Detail Info: Situated at the most south-westerly point of Australia, on one of the world's great capes, Cape Leeuwin Lighthouse is the tallest lighthouse on mainland Australia. This lighthouse is a must-see attraction. Take a trip through maritime history and learn how this famous landmark was constructed from local limestone in 1895, and is still a vital working lighthouse for vessels navigating the treacherous cape. Your guide will lead you to the top of the tower, where a vast seascape will unfold before you. Be awed by the crashing waves and the wilderness of the landscape.
Virtual Access: n/a
#19, Name: Cape Naturaliste Lighthouse, Latitude: -33.53741, Longitude: 115.01881
Museum type: Maritime
Web Site:
Street Number: 1267
Street Name: Cape Naturaliste Rd
City: Leeuwin-Naturaliste National Park, Latitude: -33.5378, Longitude: 115.02126
Region: South West
State: WA
Postal Code: 6281
Country: Australia
Membership/Entry: Opening Hours 9am - 5pm daily. Guided tours every half hour from 9.30am to 4.30pm. Closed Christmas Day. Tour Prices Adult: $15.00 Child (4-16yrs): $7.50 Seniors: $13.00 Children under 17 must be accompanied by an adult.
Detail Info: Only 13 kilometres from the town of Dunsborough, the Cape Naturaliste Lighthouse and cottages reveal the fascinating maritime history of the Cape region. Half-hour guided tours provide a captivating insight into the functions of this working lighthouse, with visitors to the top balcony of the lighthouse tower rewarded with breathtaking panoramic views of the Indian Ocean, Cape Naturaliste, the Leeuwin-Naturaliste National Park and the beautiful Geographe Bay coastline. The new observation platform at the base of the lighthouse tower enables universal access to sweeping ocean views and great photo opportunities, while the beautifully landscaped lawns and nautical-themed playground will entice you to sit and enjoy this wonderful heritage precinct.
Virtual Access: n/a
#20, Name: Coalfields Museum, Latitude: -33.35905, Longitude: 116.14861
Museum type: Local history
Web Site:
Street Number: 161
Street Name: Throssell Street
City: Collie, Latitude: -33.36077, Longitude: 116.15522
Region: South West
State: WA
Postal Code: 6225
Country: Australia
Membership/Entry: n/a
Detail Info: The Coalfields Museum provides a unique glimpse into Collie's early days. The museum is housed in the historic buildings of the 1900 and 1930 Road Board offices. Taking pride of place is a restored barrel organ made in Italy. The organ is a forerunner of a jukebox and was used to entertain the old timers at Fontana's Wine Saloon next to the Federal Hotel in Throssell Street. A massive letterbox (pillar box), a relic of the penny postage days, is rare having been cast in the J & E Ledger Foundry in Perth in 1903. Many more items are on display in the museum including bottles, radiograms, phonographs, gramophones, wirelesses, a baker's cart, mining equipment, Coolgardie safe, Icyball refrigerator, Lynch's Rock and Mineral display, Fred Kohler woodwork, Gastaldo Homestead items, Della bus, all-time great fireman Dudley Magill's bust, many historical photos and military memorabilia.
Virtual Access: n/a
#21, Name: Cola Café and Museum, Latitude: -31.54999, Longitude: 116.46562
Museum type: Beverage
Web Site:
Street Number: 128
Street Name: Stirling Terrace
City: Toodyay, Latitude: -31.56524, Longitude: 116.4763
Region: Wheatbelt
State: WA
Postal Code: 6566
Country: Australia
Membership/Entry: n/a
Detail Info: Started over forty-five years ago in Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) with miniature glass bottles of Cola-Cola in a yellow crate. Frequent trips to South Africa and three years' study in England saw the collection gradually grow. In 1978 the collection rapidly expanded, with trading partners in all states. Trips to Hong Kong, Singapore, Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, Vietnam and Bali have all added to the collection.
Virtual Access: n/a
#22, Name: Connor''s Mill, Latitude: -31.55098, Longitude: 116.46546
Museum type: Mill
Web Site:
Street Number: 7
Street Name: Piesse Street
City: Toodyay, Latitude: -31.56524, Longitude: 116.4763
Region: Wheatbelt
State: WA
Postal Code: 6566
Country: Australia
Membership/Entry: Admission: $5 per person, $4 concession A family ticket (2 adults & 2 children): $12 FREE ENTRY for Toodyay residents, children under school age, and for Toodyay District High School students
Detail Info: Connor''s Mill, with its historic machinery, demonstrates for visitors the process of turning wheat into flour. It retells stories of the many families whose lives revolved around this grand convict era building. There are a number of hands-on activities through the displays.
Virtual Access: n/a
#23, Name: Corrigin Pioneer Museum, Latitude: -32.33387, Longitude: 117.87814
Museum type: Local history
Web Site:
Street Number: n/a
Street Name: Cnr Kunjin Street and Kirkwood Street
City: Corrigin, Latitude: -32.3339, Longitude: 117.87419
Region: Wheatbelt
State: WA
Postal Code: 6375
Country: Australia
Membership/Entry: Adults $5 Children Free (accompanied by an Adult) Unaccompanied Children: $0.50
Detail Info: Housing the history of our days gone by, a worthwhile visit whilst in Corrigin. View the collection of tools and restored farm machinery, including tractors in working order, see the blacksmiths shop, the one room school, the shearing shed, old district photographs, clothing and other pioneer memorabilia. The Pioneer Memorial Wall at the entrance to the Museum commemorates early settlers.
Virtual Access: n/a
#24, Name: Cunderdin Municipal Museum, Latitude: -31.65176, Longitude: 117.24063
Museum type: Local history
Web Site:
Street Number: n/a
Street Name: Forrest Street
City: Cunderdin, Latitude: -31.6516, Longitude: 117.23647
Region: Wheatbelt
State: WA
Postal Code: 6407
Country: Australia
Membership/Entry: ADULTS: $7.00 SENIORS: $5.00 CHILDREN: $2.00 LOCALS: Free entry
Detail Info: Apart from being the home to the afore mentioned former No 3 Steam Pumping Station - now full of information, memorabilia and photographs of its fascinating history as the Museum also boasts what has been described as one of the best displays of farm equipment anywhere in the country.
Virtual Access: n/a
#25, Name: Dardanup Heritage Park, Latitude: -33.40087, Longitude: 115.71449
Museum type: Technology
Web Site:
Street Number: 416
Street Name: Moore Rd
City: Dardanup West, Latitude: -33.38511, Longitude: 115.73597
Region: South West
State: WA
Postal Code: 6236
Country: Australia
Membership/Entry: n/a
Detail Info: One of Australia's finest collections of heritage items dedicated to our pioneering past, Dardanup Heritage Park includes steam/diesel sawmill, mill settlement, engines, tractors, dozers, horse-drawn equipment, military memorabilia and much more.
Virtual Access: n/a
#26, Name: Dead Finish Museum, Latitude: -32.10733, Longitude: 116.92184
Museum type: Local history
Web Site:
Street Number: n/a
Street Name: Corner Great Southern Highway and Morrison Street
City: Beverley, Latitude: -32.08466, Longitude: 116.88187
Region: Wheatbelt
State: WA
Postal Code: 6304
Country: Australia
Membership/Entry: $2 adult and children with adult free.
Detail Info: The Beverley Historical Society was formed by volunteers in 1987 to foster the safe keeping and promotion of Beverley`s Heritage. The society operates from the Dead Finish Museum in Hunt Road Beverley. As the oldest building in Beverley, the "Wheatsheaf Inn" was built by Alfred Smith in 1872. It now houses a very fine collection of artifacts depicting life in Beverley since settlement in 1831.
Virtual Access: n/a
#27, Name: Denmark Historical Museum, Latitude: -34.96147, Longitude: 117.35366
Museum type: Local history
Web Site:
Street Number: 16
Street Name: Mitchell Street
City: Denmark, Latitude: -34.96003, Longitude: 117.35469
Region: Great Southern
State: WA
Postal Code: 6333
Country: Australia
Membership/Entry: n/a
Detail Info: The Society has a comprehensive collection which includes: 1000 Artefacts, 4000 Photographs, Maps, Paper Index, Vital Records, Group Settlement Compendium, Pioneer Index, Denmark Hospital records, Oral Histories, publications for sale, free brochures, members library.
Virtual Access: n/a
#28, Name: Dinosaur World, Latitude: -34.96316, Longitude: 116.97508
Museum type: Natural history
Web Site:
Street Number: 51
Street Name: Bandit Rd
City: Bow Bridge, Latitude: -34.96806, Longitude: 116.95193
Region: Great Southern
State: WA
Postal Code: 6333
Country: Australia
Membership/Entry: Adults : $14 Child : $7 Family : $42 (2+2) Family : $45 (2+3) Seniors : $12
Detail Info: Marvel at the secret and intriguing world of Australia's fascinating and unique reptiles, including rare Pythons, Dragon Lizards and Monitor Lizards. Experience the amazing Southern Forest and interact with nature.
Virtual Access: n/a
#29, Name: Dowerin District Museum, Latitude: -31.19336, Longitude: 117.03192
Museum type: Local history
Web Site:
Street Number: 16
Street Name: Cottrell Street
City: Dowerin, Latitude: -31.19571, Longitude: 117.03177
Region: Wheatbelt
State: WA
Postal Code: 6461
Country: Australia
Membership/Entry: $5 per adult Gold Coin per child
Detail Info: The stories of number 16 Cottrell Street and its inhabitants are rich accounts of life in Wheatbelt WA during the first half of the 20th century offering a unique and compelling vision of family and business life at that time. The building itself is a very authentic weatherboard and iron-roofed cottage, constructed in 1915 by Eugene O''Shaughnessy, the local Saddler and Harness Maker. Eugene O'Shaughnessy completed his saddlery apprenticeship in Pingelly and came to Dowerin in 1910, taking over the local saddlery business from Mr Gangell. At that stage it was run from a canvas covered shed but in 1912 the Dowerin Trading Company built two shops and the saddlery business moved into one. The front of that shop is now on the museum premises and the building it fronts houses displays about the saddlery and other businesses from Dowerin town.
Virtual Access: n/a
#30, Name: Ellensbrook, Latitude: -33.95148, Longitude: 115.01983
Museum type: Historic house
Web Site:
Street Number: n/a
Street Name: Ellen Brook Road
City: Margaret River, Latitude: -33.95322, Longitude: 115.07348
Region: South West
State: WA
Postal Code: 6285
Country: Australia
Membership/Entry: National Trust Members - FREE Adults - $10.00 Adult / Student Concession - $7.00 Children (5yrs and over) - $5.00 Children (under 5 yrs) - FREE Family group of four - $25.00 Group bookings (10 or more people) - from $7.00 per
Detail Info: It is entirely fitting that Ellensbrook should be named after a woman, as it was women who played a major role in the development and management of the place. In 1857 Ellen and Alfred Bussell chose the site of their new home. Sheltered from the winter storms, the site had access to fresh water and was surrounded by fertile soil. Over the decades the house was built in stages by ticket-of-leave convicts, deserting seamen and local Noongars. The Ellensbrook venture was successful, with income derived from the sale of beef, butter and cheese. Much of the success was due to the practical skills, energy and sound management of Ellen. Alfred and Ellen left Ellensbrook in 1865.
Virtual Access: n/a
#31, Name: Esperance Museum, Latitude: -33.85983, Longitude: 121.89317
Museum type: Local history
Web Site:
Street Number: 6
Street Name: James Street
City: Esperance, Latitude: -33.86229, Longitude: 121.88735
Region: Goldfields-Esperance
State: WA
Postal Code: 6450
Country: Australia
Membership/Entry: Adult $8.50 Children $3.50 Concession $6.50 Family (2 Adults/2 Children) $20 Group (10 or more persons) $6
Detail Info: The Esperance Museum is an attraction to both locals and visitors to Esperance. It offers a glimpse into the history of Esperance and how the region has grown over the years. It is a defining component for an Esperance cultural/heritage area and a focal point for heritage assets linked to Esperance's past.
Virtual Access: n/a
#32, Name: Friends of Donnelly Village Museum, Latitude: -31.92773, Longitude: 115.8621
Museum type: Heritage listed Timber Mill Village
Web Site:
Street Number: 18A
Street Name: Venn Street
City: North Perth, Latitude: -31.9266, Longitude: 115.851
Region: SW Western Australia
State: WA
Postal Code: 6006
Country: Australia
Membership/Entry: Annual Membership Fees (includes) GST) $30 Family $20 Individual
Detail Info: collect and preserve the history, natural industrial and social fabric of Donnelly Village, including Wheatley Village and Forest Settlement, Donnelly Mill and Donnelly River Village, development of interactive trails, displays and events.
Virtual Access: n/a
#33, Name: Goldfields War Museum, Latitude: -30.78225, Longitude: 121.48679
Museum type: Military
Web Site:
Street Number: 116
Street Name: Burt St
City: Boulder, Latitude: -30.78187, Longitude: 121.48904
Region: Goldfields-Esperance
State: WA
Postal Code: 643
Country: Australia
Membership/Entry: $5.00 per person
Detail Info: The Goldfields War Museum was established in 1989 to showcase the Goldfields community contribution to conflicts in which Australia has been involved, and was realised through the vision, drive and dedication of local resident Ross Rogers and his family. In April 2010, the museum was devastated by a 5.0 magnitude earthquake, the highest ever recorded in the area. The Goldfields War Museum relocated to the Kalgoorlie Town Hall with a long term commitment from the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder to redevelop the museum and return it to Boulder.
Virtual Access: n/a
#34, Name: Goomalling Museum, Latitude: -31.30215 Longitude: 116.83419
Museum type: Local history
Web Site:
Street Number: n/a
Street Name: Throssell Street
City: Goomalling, Latitude: -31.30215, Longitude: 116.83419
Region: Wheatbelt
State: WA
Postal Code: 6460
Country: Australia
Membership/Entry: Admission fee is $2.00pp.
Detail Info: The museum collection includes an array of photographs and documents pertaining to the area, including family photographs and histories, homesteads, organisations and buildings of significance to the area.
Virtual Access: n/a
#35, Name: Grain Discovery Centre, Latitude: -32.06239, Longitude: 118.39591
Museum type: Agriculture
Web Site:
Street Number: Lot 1
Street Name: Currall Street (entry through the roadhouse)
City: Narembeen, Latitude: -32.06044, Longitude: 118.39593
Region: Wheatbelt
State: WA
Postal Code: 6369
Country: Australia
Membership/Entry: Entry via gold coin donation.
Detail Info: Exhibits include a 1950s farm house kitchen, a humpy's, a grain stack, an interactive CBH area with weighbridge and hut, displays on the future of farming and a supermarket showing end products, like breakfast cereals and bread. The centre also has an interactive agribusiness section, an export area detailing the journey of grain from farm paddock to overseas markets and displays on the future of farming.
Virtual Access: n/a
#36, Name: Gravity Discovery Centre, Latitude: -31.35296, Longitude: 115.71082
Museum type: Science
Web Site:
Street Number: 1089
Street Name: Military Road
City: YEAL, Latitude: -31.41093, Longitude: 115.78393
Region: Wheatbelt
State: WA
Postal Code: 6503
Country: Australia
Membership/Entry: Adult $22.00 Concession $18.00 Child $14.00 Family (2 adults / 1 child) $52.00 Family (2 adults / 2 children) $60.50 Family (2 adults / 3 children) $70.50 Family (2 adults / 4 children) $80.50
Detail Info: The GDC Observatory is part of the Gravity Precinct and shares this special piece of pristine bushland with the Gravity Discovery Centre, AIGO research centre and the famous Zadko telescope enabling visitors to experience science in an extraordinary number of ways. The Observatory boasts a fully retractable roof, state of the art telescopes and amazing WA dark sky offering visitors a world class astronomy experience. Souvenirs are available for purchase at the GDC shop.
Virtual Access: n/a
#37, Name: Gwalia Historical Museum, Latitude: -28.89552, Longitude: 121.33074
Museum type: Local history
Web Site:
Street Number: Lot 935
Street Name: Tower St
City: Leonora, Latitude: -28.88498, Longitude: 121.33188
Region: Goldfields-Esperance
State: WA
Postal Code: 6438
Country: Australia
Membership/Entry: Entry is FREE
Detail Info: The Gwalia collection represents mining activities at the Sons of Gwalia Mine (1896-1963), commercial and domestic life in Gwalia and Leonora, and pastoralism in the surrounding area since 1896. The collection consists of extant buildings and structures from the Sons of Gwalia Mine and Gwalia community as well as objects (including documents, books, textiles, photographs, artwork, machinery, equipment and furniture) related to these buildings and structures and the people associated with them. The collection also includes items relating to towns, settlements and activities within the Shire of Leonora. Objects evoke the mining technology of the past and commemorate landmark events in the life of the region. The collection tells the stories of hardship in a remote mining community and the ingenuity of the inhabitants to make do with what was available in order to survive.
#38, Name: Greenbushes Eco Cultural Discovery Centre, Latitude: -33.84778, Longitude: 116.05824
Museum type: Multiple
Web Site:
Street Number: 38
Street Name: Blackwood Rd
City: Greenbushes, Latitude: -33.8418, Longitude: 116.05993
Region: South West
State: WA
Postal Code: 6254
Country: Australia
Membership/Entry: n/a
Detail Info: Explore the rich seams of the Greenbushes story beginning with the discovery of a pound of tin in a creek in 1888 through to the development of a mining industry that now supplies the strategic minerals lithium and tantalum to the world.
Virtual Access: n/a
#39, Name: Hyden Pioneer Town, Latitude: -32.44101, Longitude: 118.90455
Museum type: Local history
Web Site:
Street Number: n/a
Street Name: Wave Rock Road
City: Hyden, Latitude: -32.44913, Longitude: 118.86545
Region: Wheatbelt
State: WA
Postal Code:6359
Country: Australia
Membership/Entry: Entry $15 or Gold Pass $20 which includes entry to Lace Place, Toy Soldier Museum, Wildlife Park, Pioneer Town Museum
Detail Info: The Pioneer Town Museum features a variety of site specific displays, including a general store (complete with old grocery items), pipes, tobacco tins, cameras and veterinary instruments from the 1930's, a bar from the German Embassy in Fremantle, a kitchen display from the 1900's, and a bottle collection dating back to 1870. See the pedal organ from the 1950s, which was originally used at dances in the Hyden Hall, the Lake King Pavilion and Hyden East.
Virtual Access: n/a
#40, Name: Kalgoorlie Boulder Racing Club Museum, Latitude: -30.76102, Longitude: 121.46312
Museum type: Sports
Web Site:
Street Number: 14
Street Name: Meldrum Ave
City: Kalgoorlie, Latitude: -30.74807, Longitude: 121.47183
Region: Goldfields-Esperance
State: WA
Postal Code: 6430
Country: Australia
Membership/Entry: Entry is by Gold coin donation
Detail Info: Kalgoorlie-Boulder Racing Club plays host to the famous ''Race Round'' every year in September/early October, and is one of the richest and well known racing carnivals in the country. When visiting Kalgoorlie, make sure you call in and visit the Goldfields Racing Museum, located onsite at the Kalgoorlie-Boulder Racing Club to learn more about the Goldfields'' fascinating racing history
Virtual Access: n/a
#41, Name: King Cottage Museum, Latitude: -33.34118, Longitude: 115.64901
Museum type: Local history
Web Site:
Street Number: 77
Street Name: Forrest Ave
City: South Bunbury, Latitude: -33.34529, Longitude: 115.64401
Region: South West
State: WA
Postal Code: 6230
Country: Australia
Membership/Entry: n/a
Detail Info: Inside you will see costumes and linen, photography equipment and photos, documents and books. Outside see vehicles, machinery and tools, laundry equipment and maritime items.
Virtual Access: n/a
#42, Name: Koorda and Districts Museum, Latitude: -30.82586, Longitude: 117.48443
Museum type: Medical
Web Site:
Street Number: n/a
Street Name: Old Hospital Building, Ningham Road
City: Koorda, Latitude: -30.82303, Longitude: 117.48259
Region: Wheatbelt
State: WA
Postal Code: 6475
Country: Australia
Membership/Entry: Hours: By appointment with members Admission: $1.00
Detail Info: The Museum houses local artefacts and collections of historical papers of the district's history. The building was a former hospital and contains a special exhibit of hospital equipment. It was also used as a school hostel and then police station for a time. Displays are set out as the following rooms: hospital room, map and history room, parlour, kitchen crockery display, laundry display, farm workshop and old farm equipment, and police
Virtual Access: n/a
#43, Name: Lace Place, Latitude: -32.44101, Longitude: 118.90455
Museum type: Textile
Web Site:
Street Number: n/a
Street Name: Wave Rock Rd
City: Hyden, Latitude: -32.44913, Longitude: 118.86545
Region: Wheatbelt
State: WA
Postal Code: 6359
Country: Australia
Membership/Entry: Entry $5 Gold Pass $20 Includes: Lace Place Toy Soldier Museum Wildlife Park Pioneer Town Museum
Detail Info: The Lace Place Museum was built in 1990 to house the Blackburn Collection. Mrs Margaret Blackburn OAM JP of Perth (1920 -1990) had a keen interest in history and lace. To her own inherited family collection, she added pieces from Australia and overseas and was able to incorporate several smaller collections. Her Order of Australia Medal was awarded for service to Commercial Education.
Virtual Access: n/a
#44, Name: Mangowine Homestead, Latitude: -31.04711, Longitude: 118.1055
Museum type: Historic house
Web Site:
Street Number: 737
Street Name: Karomin Rd
City: Nungarin, Latitude: -31.18271, Longitude: 118.10005
Region: Wheatbelt
State: WA
Postal Code: 6490
Country: Australia
Membership/Entry: n/a
Detail Info: Mangowine Homestead has long been a place of hospitality, a necessary stop for people travelling through the region. Its setting is a powerful reminder of each individual's place in, and relationship to, the environment. The original cottage was built in c1876 for Charles and Jane Adams, a home from which to manage their pastoral leases. In c1889, a second, adjacent building was erected as an inn
Virtual Access: n/a
#45, Name: Manjimup Timber Park, Latitude: -34.2365, Longitude: 116.14791
Museum type: Forestry
Web Site:
Street Number: 151
Street Name: Giblett Street
City: Manjimup, Latitude: -34.23959, Longitude: 116.14929
Region: South West
State: WA
Postal Code:6258
Country: Australia
Membership/Entry: $5.00 as Adults $3.00 as Concession $2.00 as Child (aged 5-18) Free as Child (aged 0-4) $12.00 as Family (Includes 2 adults + 3 children, or 1 adult + 4 children) Free entry is available for carers when a Companion Card is shown when purchasing tickets
Detail Info: Explore the natural bushland on a walking trail, learn something new at one of the museums, get adventurous and climb the 17 metre look out tower, or simply enjoy the extensive picnic areas with your friends and family.
Virtual Access: n/a
#46, Name: Merredin Military Museum, Latitude: -31.47124, Longitude: 118.3437
Museum type: Military
Web Site:
Street Number: n/a
Street Name: Great Eastern Highway
City: Merredin, Latitude: -31.48083, Longitude: 118.27895
Region: Wheatbelt
State: WA
Postal Code: 6415
Country: Australia
Membership/Entry: n/a
Detail Info: The Military Museum in the town of Merredin houses Western Australia's largest collection of restored military vehicles and equipment. Stroll around the museum to examine the vehicles that were used by the Australian Armed Forces during the two World Wars, as well as the Korean and Vietnam wars. Several vehicles are still in working order and have been proudly restored to their original state. View the masks and uniforms worn by the soldiers and the weaponry used to win many battles.
Virtual Access: n/a
#47, Name: Merredin Railway Museum, Latitude: -31.47124, Longitude: 118.3437
Museum type: Railway
Web Site:
Street Number: n/a
Street Name: Great Eastern Highway
City: Merredin, Latitude: -31.48083, Longitude: 118.27895
Region: Wheatbelt
State: WA
Postal Code: 6415
Country: Australia
Membership/Entry: n/a
Detail Info: The Merredin Railway Museum pays tribute to the days of steam with a well-restored recreation of the old station. You can pretend to drive a steam train and climb the signal tower for an interesting outlook. It is a real highlight for railway enthusiasts. Appreciate the architecture of the Railway Museum buildings dating back to 1913, with much of the original railway memorabilia still in place. Merredin was once a major rail junction for the Central Wheatbelt. Displays include, a G117 class steam locomotive circa 1897, a signal box housing 95 levers, displays of Merredin's railway history, and an extensive photographic register of pioneer women of the area
Virtual Access: n/a
#48, Name: Narembeen Museums, Latitude
Posted 7 months ago
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