Museums in Western Australia - Northwest Coastal Regions
Australia is a land of stark beauty and a harsh, brutal natural environment. Geographically segregated from all other major continents of Asia, Europe, Africa, and the Americas, it has developed a rich and unique history as well as unique evolutionary flora and fauna. It is reported to be the oldest, flattest, driest continent with the least amount of fertile soil. Those facts are hard to dispute. It has been inhabited by humans for over 65,000 years with archeological evidence of community with a culture with hieroglyphic communications dating back at least 40,000 years. The story of these people and much more is contained in the many museums of Australia. In this, the first of a series of articles, we will identify the locations and content of museums of some of the most remote areas of Australia for your interest and enjoyment. We will begin by looking at the museums located to the north and west in the State of Western Australia, those of Kimberly, Pilbara, Gascoyne, and Midwest.
The Aboriginal people of Australia along with their unique land, plants and animals were as remote from the royal courts of Greece, Rome, Egypt, and China as they would have been if they had been on another planet. All that privacy abruptly changes after the Dutch explorer, Willem Jansson landed on the tip on the northern end, on the Torres Straight in an area now known as Cape York in 1606 (for reference, Christopher Columbus first stepped on land in the Americas in 1492, roughly 114 years before).
Less than a year later in 1606, the Spanish explorer, Luis Vaz de Torres came upon the same area. For the next 180 years or so, many long expeditions and explorations were made by Europeans to discover how, if ever, this isolated, dry, inhospitable place so far away could be exploited. Finally, in 1788, the first fleet from Great Brittan sailed into Botany Bay (what is now Sydney, the largest city in Australia). Seeking fortunes in gold, silver, diamonds, silk, spices, rich farmland on which to grow food ? Not really. They considered this an ideal place to establish a penal colony. A prison so far away from London that the though of escape back to Europe would be almost equal to escaping from a prison if built on the moon. These first settlers were sent for a variety of crimes, some of which may be scrutinized today as being overbearing on the part of the British Government, but like it or not it did accomplish their greater goal of establishing a strong and almost impenetrable base of operations on what is the opposite side of the plant Earth. As the saying goes; “the sun never sets on the British Empire”, and Australia is at high noon while the people of London are deep asleep.
Perth, Western Austraila's Capital and Largest City
Before long, the British recognized greater potential for Australia than just a convenient jail on the opposite side of the planet. Soon they would appreciate it as their home so extremely far away from home and begin to explore the interior, appreciate the natural resources that were not so obvious to them at first and started to bring more culture and prosperity to this “land down-under”. Residents of England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales would soon come seeking an opportunity not possible in their native land and build what is today The Commonwealth of Australia. And with the benefit of the support of the United Kingdom, both defensively and financially, they got to work building a great nation in this hostile environment. By 2020, the citizens of Australia had gone from these desperate beginning to becoming the envy of many people in the world. Their culture is rich, and their history is served proudly.
The strong willed people of Australia have molded a comfortable standard of living in this harsh land of stark natural beauty. Australia is divided into 6 states and 2 territories. And they all invite you to come and explore. They are proud of their heritage (the good and not so good) and it is on full display in the many museums they have built to preserve their story. In this vast land of open and desolate space, about 90% the people live in areas along the coastline or in urban areas near river tributaries exist, where fresh water has been available. If you do come to Australia, you probably ought to plan for an extended stay. Getting there from Europe, Asia or America is difficult and there is so much to see and do. We offer you a chance today to take a virtual tour of some of the museums of Australia. Specifically, we will focus on the far western end of The Commonwealth of Australia in the State of Western Australia.
The State of Western Australia consumes over 1.0 million sq-miles. This is over 1/3 of the entire 2.9 million sq-mile continent of Australia.
Kimberly (along the north coast)
Pilbara (south and west of Kimberly)south and west of Kimberly)
Gascoyne (at the extreme western-central coastline)
Mid-West (south of Gascoyne & Pilbara)
Goldfields-Esperance (to the south and east of Mid-West)
Wheatbelt (surrounding the Metropolitan area of Perth)
Perth (the largest urban area in all Western Australia)
Peel (just south of Perth)
Great Southern (art the southern coast)
South-West (the extreme South West tip of Australia)
Western Australia is further broken down into 9 recognized regions. We present these regions’ museums with location and content on display for your interest and enjoyment. We will begin by looking at the museums of the least urban areas to the north and west, that of Kimberly, Pilbara, Gascoyne, and the Midwest.
Future articles will examine Greater Metropolitan Perth (City of Perth, Peel, South-West, etc.) and a third will look into those regions south and east; Wheatbelt, Great Southern and Goldfields-Esperance). Hopefully, this presented material will inspire you to research and explore and perhaps even visit this land of challenge and beauty for yourself.
#1, Name: Argyle Downs Homestead Museum, Latitude: -16.03703, Longitude: 128.82208
Museum type: Historic house
Web Site:
Street Number: n/a
Street Name: Lake Argyle Road
City: Lake Argyle, Latitude: -15.76743, Longitude: 128.65008,
Region: Kimberley
State: WA
Postal Code: 6743
Country: Australia
Membership/Entry: All tickets: $5.00 - $12 Children: $2.50
Detail Info: The Argyle Downs Homestead Museum offers a fascinating insight into the lives of the early pioneers in the Kimberley. Walk through the 1890s former home of the Durack family, who were a prominent farming family. Learn about the Durack’s gruelling two year journey across the continent, travelling from their original home in Queensland all the way to Kununurra with 2,000 head of cattle. Discover the hardships encountered in establishing the first cattle station in the region, which grew to become a successful and productive business. Whilst the original homestead was built in the 1890s and sat on the Argyle Downs Station, it had to be moved in the 1970s following plans for the construction of Lake Argyle. It was carefully dismantled and reconstructed stone by stone at its'' present site. Argyle Downs Homestead Museum is a 1 hour drive south of Kununurra. Kununurra is a 3 hour flight north of Perth.
Virtual Access: n/a
#2, Name: Broome Museum, Latitude: -17.968, Longitude: 122.23647
Museum type: Local history
Web Site:
Street Number: 67
Street Name: Robinson Street
City: Broome, Latitude: -17.95567, Longitude: 122.23719
Region: Kimberley
State: WA
Postal Code: 6725
Country: Australia
Membership/Entry: Entrance Fees Adults … $12.00 Seniors .. $8.00 Children under 16 .. FREE We are open 10am-1pm everyday!
Detail Info: The Broome Historical Museum will take students on a voyage of discovery through Broome’s rich history. They will explore topics such as the pearling industry, both World Wars, including the tragic air attack in 1942, and Broome’s multicultural society. The visit is a self-guided tour, however, our volunteers are always willing to assist and share their knowledge. Visits by school groups to the Broome Museum are free of charge. Donations of a gold coin by students towards the running costs of the Museum are gratefully received. For more information on planning your excursion please see our school visit policy. We have resources available that align to the Humanities and Social Sciences curriculum.
Virtual Access: n/a
#3, Name: Carnamah Museum, Latitude: -29.6887, Longitude: 115.88662
Museum type: Local history
Web Site:
Street Number: 10
Street Name: Macpherson St
City: Carnamah, Latitude: -29.6877, Longitude: 115.88883
Region: Mid West
State: WA
Postal Code: 6517
Country: Australia
Membership/Entry: Free, with donations appreciated.
Detail Info: Our collection includes objects, photos and documents from Carnamah''s social, domestic, commercial and agricultural past. Our yard and sheds are filled with an array of old machinery, tools and implements.
Virtual Access:
#4, Name: Carnarvon Space and Technology Museum, Latitude: -24.8962, Longitude: 113.67657
Museum type: Science
Web Site:
Street Number: n/a
Street Name: Mahony Ave
City: Carnarvon, Latitude: -24.88097, Longitude: 113.65951
Region: Gascoyne
State: WA
Postal Code: 6701
Country: Australia
Membership/Entry: $25 single $40 family (2 x adults & 2 x children under 16)
Detail Info: The museum focusses on two parts. The Carnarvon Tracking Station and the OTC Satellite Earth Station, for which each station played separate roles in the early space industry. The Carnarvon Tracking Station was located 10 kilometres south from Carnarvon. The station was built to support NASA’s Gemini, Apollo and Skylab programs. It was commissioned in 1964 and operated for 11 years. It was the last station to communicate with the space capsules leaving the earth orbit, and the last to make contact before splashdown in the Pacific Ocean. At the height of the operation it had a staff of 220 people.
Virtual Access:
#5, Name: Central Greenough Historic Settlement, Latitude: -28.94584, Longitude: 114.7454
Museum type: Open air
Web Site:
Street Number: n/a
Street Name: Cnr Brand Hwy and McCartney Road
City: Greenough, Latitude: -28.93019, Longitude: 114.72896
Region: Mid West
State: WA
Postal Code: 6532
Country: Australia
Membership/Entry: Adults - $10 Concession Card Holders - $7 Children (6-17) - $5 Family (2 adults and 2 children) - $25 Group fees (per person) - $7 National Trust Members – Free
Detail Info: Enter through Wainwrights old grocery store where you can still view some of the items from the 1860’s, then continue through to modern air- conditioned cafe. In the cafe you will find a delightful selection of food that has been prepared and cooked on the premises. We have great coffee, a selection of teas and cold beverages, we are also licenced and can offer local wines and a good selection of beers. The alfresco area overlooks the Historic Settlement and the alpacas and Lilly the llama are usually hanging around. Central Greenough cafe also has a treasure trove of gifts for all the family for all occasions and a selection of locally made souvenirs for travellers. Boasting a community hall, two churches, convent, presbytery, state school and a government complex that houses the court house and old gaol(jail). Take a self guided tour, walking amongst and inside the buildings, which are filled with interpretations and original fixtures and fittings belonging to the early settlers. Also Lilly the Llama, and his alpaca friends are always, walking around and in need of company, and the occasional feed.
Virtual Access: n/a
#6, Name: Chapman Valley Museum, Latitude: -28.55551, Longitude: 114.76306
Museum type: Local history
Web Site:
Street Number: 100
Street Name: East Terrace
City:Nanson, Latitude: -28.56028, Longitude: 114.76112
Region: Mid West
State: WA
Postal Code: 6532
Country: Australia
Membership/Entry: Volunteering is an activity undertaken to be of benefit to the community and the volunteer, working with other like-minded people. We are looking for enthusiastic individuals who would like to assist in preserving and promoting the history of the Chapman Valley District. The society offers members many activities to be involved in, from maintaining historic equipment, odd jobs to maintain the upkeep of the museum, meet and greet visitors, promote the district and history of Chapman Valley and maintain a database for museum conservation.
Detail Info: 1928 RUGBY TRUCK Bought from the Geraldton Show, 28 September 1928 and used on the Wilton farm at East Yuna. The Rugby was a brand of automobile assembled by Durant Motors Company of New York City, New York (USA). CVOB0756 HORSE DRAWN BUGGY The number plate on the buggy is of special interest. They were released in 1923/1924 and were for buggy’s that were for hire. This is one of only 4 that is known in Western Australia. The buggy was used by the Murphy Bros. at Red Hill farm. CVOB0370 ROADSIDE MAIL BAG Mail delivered by Yuna Mail was left in these bags in drums by the farmers gate. CVOB0512 TED PORTER''S COTTAGE Built around 1920 when the Upper Chapman Road Board was in a position to employ an assistant Shire Clerk. Ted Porter was the young man who was employed by the Road Board and was the first employee to live in the cottage. It is very small and Ted only slept and had his breakfast there. Mrs Ella Murphy from Nanson, provided him with an evening meal. Over the years many people have made the cottage their home for a short time. WWI FALLEN SOLDIERS TRIBUTE 2014-2018 Centennary of Anzac Project. Commemorating 100 years since our countries involvement in WWI. The tribute honours the 42 soldiers from the Upper Chapman District (now Chapman Valley) who lost their lives during the war. TIME LINE OF THE CHAPMAN VALLEY DISTRICT On two walls within the museum, is the Timeline of the Chapman Valley District. This is the history and stories of the district, that provide an overview of the development and progress, since George Grey discovered the Chapman River in 1839 and named the district. 1940 CHILD''S HIGH CHAIR The wooden high chair was purchased by the Heinrich family in the 1940’s and was used by Merv & Phyllis Heinrich for their six children and later for some of the grandchildren. CVOB0844 HUMBLE & SONS WOOL PRESS The Ferrier wool presses were manufactured by Humble & Nicholson and later by Humble & Sons in Geelong, Victoria, from about 1860’s to 1933 when the business went out of family hands. Many farms and stations in the district used one of these. CVOB0515 1930-40''S TELEPHONE SWITCHBOARD This Nanson telephone switchboard was operated by Mrs Eileen Wilton. A telecommunications system used to interconnect circuits of telephones to establish telephone calls between users. CVOB0615
Virtual Access:
#7, Name: Chiverton House Museum, Latitude: -28.35426, Longitude: 114.6299449
Museum type: Local history
Web Site:
Street Number: 166
Street Name: Hampton Rd
City: Northampton, Latitude: -28.35659, Longitude: 114.62993
Region: Mid West
State: WA
Postal Code: 6535
Country: Australia
Membership/Entry: Entry cost: $3.00
Detail Info: Chiverton House Museum captures the essence of life in the late 1800s for the miners at Northampton''s Geraldine Lead Mine. Wander through this quaint stone building to see a range of interesting historical items. Outside, visit the machinery shed housing old farming machinery and vintage cars. It is also worth checking out the old stables, butcher building and two stone wells. Chiverton House is believed to have been built by convicts, which is particularly significant as it would make it one of the last buildings built by convicts in Western Australia. Located in Northampton, five hours drive north of Perth and just north of Geraldton, Chiverton House Museum is one of three significant historical sites in the small mining town. Whilst in the area be sure to visit the Church of St Mary in Ara Coeli and the ruins of Gwalla Church.
Virtual Access: n/a
#8, Name: Don Rhodes Mining and Transport Museum, Latitude: -20.3126 Longitude: 118.6094
Museum type: Mining and railway
Web Site:
Street Number: n/a
Street Name: Wilson Street, Between Coolinda and McGregor Streets
City: Port Hedland, Latitude: -20.31346, Longitude: 118.57726
Region: Pilbara
State: WA
Postal Code: 6721
Country: Australia
Membership/Entry: n/a
Detail Info: See the fully restored locomotives from the BHP Iron Ore railway at the Don Rhodes Mining Museum in Port Hedland. Be in awe of the ingenuity of the road, rail and transport technology which facilitated the significant industrial growth in the East Pilbara during the last century. The Don Rhodes Mining and Transport Museum is an open air museum which pays tribute to the pastoral, railway, manganese and iron ore industries. Examine the historically significant displays as you read informative signs providing in depth information about the uses and development of the items on display.
Virtual Access: n/a
#9, Name: Gwoonwardu Mia – Gascoyne Aboriginal Heritage and Cultural Centre, Latitude: -24.87747, Longitude: 113.66264
Museum type: Art
Web Site:
Street Number: 146
Street Name: Robinson St
City: Carnarvon, Latitude: -24.88097, Longitude: 113.65951
Region: Gascoyne
State: WA
Postal Code: 6701
Country: Australia
Membership/Entry: General entry to Gwoonwardu Mia is FREE. Entry fee to Collection and Exhibitions: ADULT $10.00 SENIORS & CONCESSION $8.00 CHILDREN $5.00 FAMILY (2 ADULTS + 2 CHILDREN) $25.00 LIVE IN POSTCODE 6701 FREE
Detail Info: Gwoonwardu Mia Gascoyne Aboriginal Heritage and Cultural Centre, is a multipurpose centre that celebrates the culture and country of the five Aboriginal language groups of the Gascoyne Region. Based in Carnarvon, the centre has worked with people from each of the local language groups to celebrate and share their stories and culture.
Virtual Access: n/a
#10, Name: Irwin District Museum, Latitude: -29.25246, Longitude: 114.93048
Museum type: Local history
Web Site:
Street Number: 5
Street Name: Waldeck St
City: Dongara, Latitude: -29.25073, Longitude: 114.93792
Region: Mid West
State: WA
Postal Code: 6525
Country: Australia
Membership/Entry: MEMBERSHIP CATEGORY Individual $0
Detail Info: Associate (under 18) $0, Household (same address) $0
Virtual Access: n/a
#11, Name: Kununurra Museum, Latitude: -15.77539, Longitude: 128.73733
Museum type: Local history
Web Site:
Street Number: 72
Street Name: Coolibah Dr
City: Kununurra, Latitude: -15.77268, Longitude: 128.73938
Region: Kimberley
State: WA
Postal Code: 6743
Country: Australia
Membership/Entry: n/a
Detail Info: Art - Geology - Natural History - Kimberley History and Museum Objects of the Kimberley Region Western Australia
Virtual Access: n/a
#12, Name: Lighthouse Keeper''s Cottage, Latitude: -24.87555, Longitude: 113.63094
Museum type: Local history
Web Site:
Street Number: n/a
Street Name: Annear Place, Babbage Island
City: Carnarvon, Latitude: -24.88097, Longitude: 113.65951
Region: Mid West
State: WA
Postal Code: 6701
Country: Australia
Membership/Entry: n/a
Detail Info: The Lighthouse Keeper''s Cottage Museum captures the life of the early pioneers that operated the lighthouse in Carnarvon. It has been restored and provides an interesting look back at the lives led by the original lighthouse keepers during the 1900s, as well as providing some fascinating information about how the lighthouse operated. Forming part of the Carnarvon Heritage Precinct you can catch a ride on the Kimberley Steam Locomotive from Carnarvon to the precinct and listen to the excellent audio commentary explaining the history of the port.
Virtual Access: n/a
#13, Name: Mowanjum Art and Culture Centre, Latitude: -17.35256, Longitude: 123.71062
Museum type: Art
Web Site:
Street Number: n/a
Street Name: Gibb River Road
City: Derby, Latitude: -17.30651, Longitude: 123.63515
Region: Kimberley
State: WA
Postal Code: 6728
Country: Australia
Membership/Entry: n/a
Detail Info: The Mowanjum Aboriginal Art and Culture Centre is a creative hub for the Worrorra, Ngarinyin and Wunumbal tribes, who make up the Mowanjum community outside Derby, Western Australia. These three language groups are united by their belief in the Wandjina as a sacred spiritual force and the creators of the land. They are the custodians of Wandjina law and iconography. The centre hosts exhibitions, workshops and community projects, as well as the annual Mowanjum Festival, one of Australia''s longest running indigenous cultural festivals
Virtual Access: n/a
#14, Name: Northampton Motors & Machinery Shed, Latitude: -28.35659, Longitude: 114.62993
Museum type: Technology
Web Site:
Street Number: n/a
Street Name: Po Box 193
City: Northampton, Latitude: -28.35659, Longitude: 114.62993
Region: Mid West
State: WA
Postal Code: 6535
Country: Australia
Membership/Entry: n/a
Detail Info: We collected and restored or conserved numerous items of historic machinery for display in our Museum in Northampton
Virtual Access: n/a
#15, Name: Old Farm, Latitude: -350184012, Longitude: 1179001806
Museum type: Great Southern
Web Site: Historic house
Street Number:
Street Name: 174
City: Middleton Rd, Latitude: -3502395, Longitude: 11788355
Region: n/a
State: WA
Postal Code: 6330
Country: Australia
Membership/Entry: Australia
Detail Info: National Trust Members - FREE Adults - $10.00 Adult / Student Concession - $7.00 Children (5yrs and over) - $5.00 Children (under 5 yrs) - FREE Family group of four - $25.00 Group bookings (10 or more people) - from $7.00 per person (Schools by appointment)
Virtual Access: Long before European settlement, Barmup was a meeting place for Menang Aboriginal people. In 1826 a government farm was established near the water course which fed the fledgling settlement. It was later purchased by the Government Resident Sir Richard Spencer and in the 1890s by Francis and Maude Bird. Grand when it was built, Strawberry Hill has been home to many but the house itself has only had two owners. It is the first property managed by the National Trust in Western Australia
#16, Name: Old Roebourne Gaol, Latitude: -20.77702, Longitude: 117.14482
Museum type: Local history
Web Site:
Street Number: 5
Street Name: Queen St
City: Roebourne, Latitude: -20.77637, Longitude: 117.14616
Region: Pilbara
State: WA
Postal Code: 6718
Country: Australia
Membership/Entry: the Old Gaol for access ($5 entry pp u5''s free)
Detail Info: A cyclone in 1872 had devastated Roebourne, and during the rebuilding process noted public works architect, George Temple Poole was involved in the design of several of Roebourne’s new buildings, including the gaol, courthouse and post office. The Old Gaol is a reminder of the harsh times endured by prisoners during the colonial era. In its early phase the precinct of the police station, gaol and courthouse acted as the centre for law and custody for the whole of the Northwest and prisoners from across the region were imprisoned here. Some prisoners were transported further to be imprisoned at Rottnest Island. One notable prisoner was Ellemara, a Bunbuba man from the Fitzroy River area who was arrested for killing stock. Ellemara, who was an uncle to Bunuba warrior Jandamarra, escaped from the gaol and walked over 950 kilometres home to his native ranges
Virtual Access: n/a
#17, Name: Russ Cottage, Latitude: -29.25601, Longitude: 114.93501
Museum type: Historic house
Web Site:
Street Number: n/a
Street Name: Parker Street
City: Port Denison, Latitude: -29.26293, Longitude: 114.9304
Region: Mid West
State: WA
Postal Code: 6525
Country: Australia
Membership/Entry: Entry cost Free
Detail Info: Built in 1868 by Titis Russ, Russ Cottage is a fine example of a rural workers home of over 145 years ago. The kitchen floor is made from crushed ant hill, packed down to make a hard surface. The cottage was purchased from the Russ family 100 years after it was built by the Shire of Irwin. It has since been leased and restored by the Irwin District Historical Society and furnished as a 1870s yeoman''s cottage.
Virtual Access: n/a
#18, Name: Shark Bay World Heritage Discovery Centre, Latitude: -25.92804, Longitude: 113.53495
Museum type: Multiple
Web Site:
Street Number: 55
Street Name: Knight Terrace
City: Denham, Latitude: -25.92844, Longitude: 113.53962
Region: Gascoyne
State: WA
Postal Code: 6537
Country: Australia
Membership/Entry: Entrance fee is for a multi day pass: Adults $11, Concessions $8, Children $6 Family Pass $28.
Detail Info: Although Shark Bay is a small region by Australian standards, it''s actually the same size as The Bahamas or Jamaica. But don''t worry, with one road in and one road out it''s very difficult to get lost! Shark Bay is the name of the region, with Denham as its township. Monkey Mia is part of Shark Bay, located 26 kilometres from Denham and is home to the RAC Monkey Mia Dolphin Resort. There are no train services in Shark Bay, so travellers arriving by air rely on coaches, tour operators and car-hire to get to and from our natural landmarks. Guided tours offer a comfortable and relaxing way of seeing the region with many local tour companies offering 4WD tours, boat tours and scenic flights around Shark Bay. They provide extensive year round multi-day itineraries for budget, deluxe and luxury travellers.
Virtual Access: n/a
#19, Name: Sisters of St John of God Heritage Center, Latitude: -17.9589, Longitude: 122.23881
Museum type: Religious
Web Site:
Street Number: 9
Street Name: Barker Street
City: Broome, Latitude: -17.95567, Longitude: 122.23719
Region: Kimberley
State: WA
Postal Code: 6725
Country: Australia
Membership/Entry: n/a
Detail Info: The Sisters of St John of God finance the running, maintenance and staffing of the Heritage Centre with some private donations but no government funding.
Virtual Access: n/a
#20, Name: Warmun Art Centre, Latitude: -17.02463, Longitude: 128.21271
Museum type: Art
Web Site:
Street Number: n/a
Street Name: Warmun Aboriginal Community, Great Northern Highway
City: Warmun, Latitude: -17.0304, Longitude: 128.21025
Region: Kimberley
State: WA
Postal Code: 6743
Country: Australia
Membership/Entry: n/a
Detail Info: Warmun Art Centre is owned and governed by Gija people with 100% of income returning to the community. The centre was established in 1998 by the late founding members of the contemporary painting movement in Warmun such as Rover Thomas, Queenie McKenzie, Madigan Thomas and Hector Jandany. These elders recognised and responded to the need for a community owned and controlled centre through which they could support, maintain and promote Gija art, language and culture. Warmun Art is here to celebrate and encourage the expression of Gija culture through the arts, and to support the continued development of innovative contemporary art by both established and emerging Warmun artists.
Virtual Access: n/a
#21, Name: Museum of Geraldton, Latitude: -28.76835, Longitude: 114.61214
Museum type: Local history
Web Site:
Street Number: 2
Street Name: Museum Pl
City: Geraldton, Latitude: -28.76835, Longitude: 114.61214
Region: Mid West
State: WA
Postal Code: 6530
Country: Australia
Membership/Entry: Entry by donation
Detail Info: The archaeological riches from four Dutch shipwrecks - Batavia, Gilt Dragon, Zuytdorp, and Zeewijk, are revealed in the Shipwrecks Gallery. Visitors can join a guided highlights tour available daily at 11.30am. Witness the wrecks of HMAS Sydney (II) and HSK Kormoran as they currently lie, 2,500 metres deep on the ocean floor, in From Great Depths, a moving exhibit and 3D film.
Virtual Access: n/a
Ref: Similar article for Museums in Western Australia - City of Perth, Fremantle Harbor and Greater Perth Area Museums
Posted 7 months ago
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